The files used by Train Simulator are Unicode text format. The first line is a signature related to the file extension. Following are elements and attributes.
SIMISA@@@@@@@@@@JINX0D0t______ Wagon ( CN_ES44DC_2304 Type ( Engine ) WagonShape "ES44DC extra" ( "2304a.s" ) FreightAnim ( "2304b.s" 1 1 )
Strings must be enclosed within quote (“) characters if they contain spaces. The elements are composed of named identifiers, an optional name, open parenthesis, attributes, and close parenthesis.
Open Rails does not correctly handle optional names except for anim_node elements.
It does not display the shape, “2304a.s”, but does display the following freight animation, “2304b.s”.
To continue a quoted string on multiple lines use a plus (+) operator. It is an error to not have a closing quote before a line break.