Switches in Microsoft Train Simulator are either automatic or manual. Automatic switches are controlled by the dispatcher. Manual switches are controlled by the player. Automatic switches function as manual switches while in explore mode.
Activity Editor shows automatic and manual switches using the same graphic so they are not distinguishable. To determine whether a switch is automatic or manual create a short path that includes just that switch.
The path file used is from C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Games\Train Simulator\ROUTES\SoldierSummit\Paths and a short path with a start, junction, and end nodes will have three TrackPDP elements.
TrackPDPs ( TrackPDP ( -12507 14303 -300.982 2425.48 430.157 1 1 ) TrackPDP ( -12507 14303 -347.236 2425.51 377.545 2 0 ) TrackPDP ( -12507 14303 -398.91 2425.93 317.468 1 1 ) )
The 2 identifies that TrackPDP element as a junction node. Search the track database file for this junction using the x-coordinate, -347.236.
TrackNode ( 1081 TrJunctionNode ( 0 216 1 ) UiD ( -12507 14303 113 0 -12507 14303 -347.236 2425.51 377.545 0 -2.42041 0 ) TrPins ( 1 2 TrPin ( 620 0 ) TrPin ( 1082 1 ) TrPin ( 1256 1 ) ) )
The second attribute of TrJunctionNode, 216, identifies the track shape. The third attribute is 1 for manual junctions and 0 for automatic junctions.
TrackShape ( 216 FileName ( A1tPnt10dRgtMnl.s ) NumPaths ( 2 ) MainRoute ( 0 ) ClearanceDist ( 26 ) SectionIdx ( 1 0 0 0 0 179 ) SectionIdx ( 2 0 0 0 0 183 176 ) ManualJunctionShape ( ) )