Use TsUtils with Route Riter to identify these errors.
—> ‘TrJunctionNode(426)’: UiD-Number (-11583,14425,243) does NOT refer to Track/Road (Static)!
‘TrJunctionNode(426)’: Connection between Shape-Id and UiD is not available!
‘TrackNode(426)-TrPin(0)’: ‘0-Reference’ of the Node-Definition may cause error(s).
‘TrackNode(426)-TrPin(1)’: ‘0-Reference’ of the Node-Definition may cause error(s).
‘TrackNode(426)-TrPin(2)’: ‘0-Reference’ of the Node-Definition may cause error(s).
To correct this error open the track database, CNW-Harvard.tdb, in a text editor. Delete track node 426. Since there cannot be gaps in track nodes renumber the last track node 3184 to 426, and adjust the two references to this node and decrement the track node counter.