Repairing damaged track

When a track shape is missing from a world file but present in the track database then that track cannot be selected in Route Editor. This error is reported by ICHK as

—> ‘TrVectorNode(318-2)’: UiD-Number (-11609,14310,8) is NOT defined!
‘TrVectorNode(318-2)’: Connection between Shape-/Section-Id and UiD not available!

If the track is in a vector with an end node then it can be repaired by removing the damaged track section and those to the end node from the vector and moving the end node to the last undamaged track section.

Moving the end node to a different track section requires that some of the elements in the end node be adjusted to the new track section.

TrackNode ( 9
TrEndNode ( 0 )
UiD ( -11609 14310 73 1 -11609 14310 -156.549 182.484 -482.472 -0.00261801 1.59697 1.02446e-008 )
TrPins ( 1 0
TrPin ( 318 1 )

The picture below shows missing track covered by static objects 100ftTrackTies.s.

vector 318 before

TrackNode ( 9
TrEndNode ( 0 )
UiD ( -11609 14310 track_uid track_point -11609 14310 -156.549 182.484 -482.472 -0.00261801 1.59697 1.02446e-008 )
TrPins ( 1 0
TrPin ( 318 1 )

Two elements that need to be adjusted are track_uid and track_point. The track_uid identifies the section of track in the world file. The track_point identifies the point in the path through the track. The track_points for single track are 0 and 1, for junctions 0, 1, and 2, for double track 0, 1, 2, and 3, and so on.

The picture below shows the damaged track replaced with good track.

vector 318 after

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